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Anti-Racism Book Group: White Fragility – Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

Westhope’s anti-racism book group is taking a rest for the summer. We will resume in August to discuss Robin DiAngelo’s book White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Race. We will begin with the first half of the book: chapters one through six.

We hope you will consider joining us for this relevant conversation even if you don't have a chance to read the book.

Roxanne Beverstein has graciously volunteered to lead our discussions. Thank you Roxanne!

We welcome you to join us in our journey to understand, root out and stand against racism in all its forms: individual, interpersonal, institutional, structural, organizational…

2nd Wednesday of the Month
On Break for July

September 4

Wednesday Yoga

September 5

Garden Play