Open dawn til dusk, every day.

Dear Community,

You probably love the Spiral Garden just as much as we do, especially in the Spring when the red poppies begin to bloom! Westhope tends the Spiral Garden on Thursday mornings from 9am to noon, led by Elder Pam Nomura. You are welcome to join us get grounded in soil and community. Bring work gloves!

With Love,
Friends of the Spiral Garden

Welcome to the beauty of the flowers,

Welcome to the peace of the journey,

Welcome to a slowing down of your life.

We invite you to pause, and to notice:

The texture of the air.

The feel of the sun, and of the shadows.

The sounds of the bugs, the birds,
and the lizards,

The very earth beneath your feet,
teaming with life.

And know this
you are connected to it all.

Changing the air as you breathe it.

Soaking up the sun,
and creating your own shadow.

Being as present to the animals
as they are to you.

And altering the earth itself
with your footsteps.

Stay as long as you like;

as well as allow yourself to be found.

And sometimes, especially at dusk,

the More comes out to play,
