A six-part online series organized by Elder Susan Brooksbank with Don Wagner and David Palumbo-Liu.
Wednesdays 7PM to 8:15PM
In the midst of events in the Holy Land, how do we grapple with war? How do we understand current events and what lead up to them? How do we as Americans participate unknowingly? What can we do to create peace?
February 21 Getting Started: Some basic history and background, Biblical and more
recent (starting in the 1800s) Susan Brooksbank
February 28 Undermining Justice in God´s Name: Zionism and Christian Zionism in
Historical and Theological Perspective Don Wagner
March 6 What’s Happening Now: Photos and a Report on the Holy Land Susan Brooksbank from Washington DC
March 13 Genocide – Basic History of the Term and the Recent Decision of the
International Court of Justice David Palumbo-Liu
March 20 From the River to the Sea: It´s Apartheid Don Wagner
March 27 The History and Role of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement in Today’s World…What Else We Can Do. David, Don and Susan
Rev. Dr. Don Wagner is a retired Presbyterian (PCUSA) clergyperson, professor of Middle Eastern Studies, and Palestinian human rights activist. He is the author of six books, most recently his memoir ¨Glory to God in the Lowest: Journeys to an Unholy Land¨ which follows
his journey from Christian Zionism to advocacy for Palestinian rights and Palestinian liberation
David Palumbo-Liu is a professor of comparative literature at Stanford. He has been an activist
for Palestine for many years. www.palumbo-liu.com
Susan Brooksbank is an Elder in the Presbyterian church who has been a student of and advocate
for the Holy Land for as long as she can remember. She has visited the area often – starting in the
1990s for business – and has co-led two Holy Land pilgrimages.